
about me

My name is Anthony Ardisone.  I am a currently Chief Petty Officer in the Navy Reserve. While on active duty, I have served aboard a destroyer and have been assigned to Seabee and Naval Special Warfare units. I enjoy the service and I’ve told my wife that I’ll keep reenlisting until the Navy says they’ve had enough of me. Since 2006, I’ve been working in the entertainment industry as an on-set medic. I occasionally get hired as a military technical advisor and an actor.  

When I have time off, I participate as a reenactor (or living historian, if that sounds more professional) at events locally and across the globe. My primary focus has been on World War II from the U.S. perspective. Through this hobby I have made a lot of friends, learned a lot of things, and have had a lot of unique experiences.  History is my passion, and I hope to share that with you.


The U.S. Navy, especially in history, can be a little confusing to grasp. It operates differently, it has its own lingo, and a look and style that is both signature yet always evolving.  On various social media outlets, I see the same questions come up frequently. Sometimes the answers are speculative or are the same regurgitated assumptions based on little or misinterpreted research.

The mission here is to answer these questions and provide some insight as to how things were done back then, and maybe even explain why thing are done the way they are now.